Thursday, July 5, 2012

Some thing is Better than Nothing

      As we start construction of our blog we will find difficulty in creating New post every day, I has observed all the established Blogs was having 1000's of post in their blog . but it was not created in a single day ,and they are not doing just a single Post for a month or week but they are making more than one post per day , so getting inspired from these Gaints of the Blog world and from my own observation of the blog traffic i am getting I would like you all to know that we should keep updating our blog by writing something , every ofter as long as you will get the time but we should make sure that post should not be a Junk, so that something is better than nothing.

Here i would like to share something about a blogging Giant from whom we can get inspired

This is about Om Malik the founder of GigaOm. I hope some of you will be surprised to know that this GigaOm is a super blog and is a leader in the technology blogging .

Om has said in an article that
 " I wrote every day and everyday traffic went up    

and has given the status of his blogging  that is as follows

  • 11,165 posts
  • About 3 posts a day , everyday roughly
  • About 2 million words
  •  About 215 words per post
He kept his practice for a decade and here is the result of a super blog,this is his way of success of the blog, i hope you too got inspired

so in my next post i would like to research about how to write everyday